Thursday, October 18, 2012

The True Nature of People in Coming Out

In the coming out process I have been able to learn about the true nature of people. Some of it has made me happy, others have made me sad.

My primary concern has been my circle of people I'm close to. I didn't want them to hear about my bisexuality from someone else. I thought it would hurt our relationship more if that happened than me talking to them directly. So I started meeting with them and calling them. I didn't think there would be any problems with them and their reactions to my news. As I talked to all of them, so far (I'm still in the process of getting with them all), they have all been supportive, loving, accepting and have been open and honest. I have had no problems with any of them. They have all realized the truth of the situation: I am the same person I have always been, I'm not changing into someone new, our relationships are still strong, I didn't choose this and this doesn't make me less of a person. They were open with their thoughts towards me and I was open with them. They asked questions and I answered honestly. It has been a good process to learn how good these people are that I have been friends with.

On the other hand I have encountered some people that have not been such great people. My girlfriend's family has not been as receptive. To my face they act friendly and happy but when I'm not there they have a different attitude. When I'm around I can feel the tension and the weariness. I can feel how uncomfortable they are with me. When I'm not around they have tried to convince my girlfriend to get out of the relationship. They have made jokes about being gay. They look down on me and have a problem with everything homosexual. Their true nature has been shown.
*I do have to say that her sister that I've been friends with for a while and her parents have been good and understanding about it.

I have also experienced some tension with my family. They are processing it but are still not great with everything. My mom wants to help me with what she can so it will help "cure" me. Some of them don't talk about it, like it doesn't exist. I love my family and they are doing their best, but it still is a process and they have a ways to go.

The coming out process has been a hard and trying process that has changed some of my relationships and I have lost some friends. But I have seen the good in people. I have experienced the true nature of people and how they are true Christians. This process is a struggle but as I go through it I have been able to find my true friends. I am also able to see the strength I have in myself. Facing the discrimination, rejection and hate is never an easy thing. But for me I have grown in the process and been able to handle what has come my way. I'm so grateful for the strength and blessings The Lord has provided me for this journey.

Much love to you all.

Lonely Boy

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